Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Name Ideas

For my chosen name for my magazine I wanted to use a name that was catchy and short but also rememberable so I came up with different names which I thought would fit in with my genre of magazine. I wanted to use a short, individual name for my magazine so people will remember the magazine name and it will be a word that is used in everyday life. I tried to keep the name short and up to two syllables so its easy to say the name of the magazine. The first name i came up with was HEARTBREAK because i thought it would be quite catchy and also has a nice sound to it, but I thought it doesn't sound too much like a music magazine and sounds more like a teen magazine so I came up with the name ICE which i thought is a very simplistic name and very catchy and easy to remember, but i thought maybe it would look a little odd with just three letters and I wanted something bigger that would stand out more. Lastly I came up with the names GRIND and REPLAY. REPLAY really relates to the music and how you would want to carry on replaying your actions and carry on buying the magazine. GRIND is a very catchy name that really fits in with my genre of music and has one syllable which I think has a really good effect as it sounds catchy and written down on a magazine would be really eye catching. REPLAY relates to music which I thought would work well with the magazine because it relates to music. Grind is a catchy word that I think would grab peoples attention and therefore make people want to read the magazine and also it is related to music as we dance to the music and it also relates to R&B very well .

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