This video shows people of the sort of age group that would read my magazine. It is sort of the same genre but it is more indie and dance than my genre but I think that it fits in well with my social groups because people of the age of my target audience act like this and wear clothing like this.
My media product represents particular social groups because of the use of images. The images are mainly for a female target audience which is the main media group, this is because of the use of colours and images. The age group for my magazines is 16-28 and the magazine is aimed at more middle class people and also people that are interested in R&B/ Hip Hop music so they would be interested in buying my product. My inspiration was mainly taken from Vibe magazine as it is a magazine which is most like the idea of mine so I took inspiration from it. Vibe magazine is around about £4 which is about the same price as my magazine and the magazine would be in shops such as WH Smiths and Waterstones. I wanted my magazine to aim at both genders but through the colours and images I think it aims more at a female audience.
You need to develop a detailed response here. Look at clothing, eye contact, use of props etc and how they represent a certain social group.