Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Testing out the mock shots for Cover

I did a mock up of the cover with my test shots. I didn't know whether to use a girl or boy for the cover, but as most of my pictures are of boys, I decided to use a boy. I chose for him to wear the blue jacket as it really stands out and makes the picture look more professional. I think that the pose is quite good but it would work better if you could see more of his face. For the real photos I will make sure that I put makeup on my model so that his skin is clearer. I firstly cut out the picture on photoshop to get rid of the background and after I put it onto the white background which looked good. I think that maybe the picture is a little big, and also the head is cut of, so I will need to make sure that for the real pictures the whole head is there. I then put the heading on and I chose the colour blue for the cover lines because it matched the jacket, I did this buy hovering the mouse over it when I picked the colour as it made the writing the same colour of the jacket. I then added a barcode and the date of the issue, but for the real cover I will need other things, like the price etc. The date was on the photo which was really annoying as   it made it really unprofessional, but I will be using a professional  camera for my real cover so the date won't be on it. 

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